09/2023 - Uniting Aluminium Foil Rollers Worldwide to Explore Industry Advancements and Collaborations

Uniting Aluminium Foil Rollers Worldwide to Explore Industry Advancements and Collaborations

The global aluminium foil industry gathers for the Global Aluminium Foil Conference (GLAFCO) from 4-6 September 2024 in Istanbul, Turkey. Organised by the Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative (GLAFRI) the 7th edition will provide another great opportunity for the industry, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and innovation.

The conference will be a convergence of industry leaders, experts, and stakeholders from across the globe. The event's uniqueness is its comprehensive coverage of the latest trends, innovations, and economic shifts in the aluminium foil sector.

Presentations from many different continents will provide insights into global economic and aluminium trends, the recovery of aluminium foil, consumer perspectives and regional foil markets reports. Specific topics will be decarbonisation of aluminium, battery foil developments and international flexible packaging markets. On the occasion of the conference, GLAFRI will also hold its General Assembly.

The conference programme offers a wide range of topics reflecting the evolving landscape of the industry. Sessions will delve into topics such as global economic dynamics, recovery strategies for aluminium foil, consumer perspectives, and in-depth reports on regional foil markets. These discussions will not only shed light on the current state of the industry but also provide a roadmap for sustainable growth and development.

Several key suppliers to the industry already confirmed on their exclusive support for specific categories: Achenbach (foil rolling), Guizhou/Chalco (foil stock), Novelis PAE (casting); and Vollert (intralogistics). Regional support comes from Assan Alüminyum and Panda Alüminyum.

Istanbul was chosen for its exceptional location between Europe and Asia. The easy accessibility and excellent travel connections offer attendees a very high level of comfort, allowing them to focus on the exciting content and networking opportunities of the event. The event also offers an exclusive visit to Assan Alüminyum, one of Europe's largest foil rollers, which adds a bit of a twist to the event and provides a practical reference.

After navigating through pandemic-related challenges during the last edition in September 2022, the organisers anticipate a significant uptick in attendance. GLAFCO 2024 is set to welcome a substantial representation from more than half of the global foil production industry.

For more information and registration details please visit glafco.global-alufoil.org.

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