02/2022 - Retirement of GLAFRI’s Director General Stefan Glimm
After serving the aluminium foil industry for 30 years – and the aluminium industry in general for almost four decades – Stefan Glimm is going to retire and will step down from his remaining responsibility as Director General of the Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative (GLAFRI) end of February 2022. During his career, he worked in leading management positions for what today is Aluminium Deutschland, AMS Europe incl. European Aluminium Foil Association (EAFA) and Flexible Packaging Europe, European Aluminium, and – in his early days - for Wirtschaftsvereinigung Metalle (German Non-Ferrous Metals Association).
Under his management, the Global Aluminium Foil Roller Conference (GLAFCO) was established as bi-annual key event for the foil industry worldwide. Out of this, the Global Aluminium Foil Roller Initiative (GLAFRI) was founded and EAFA became a self-standing European organisation enlarged by several aluminium customer divisions like aluminium closures, household foil rewinders, and foil container manufacturers.
GLAFRI President Göksal Güngör comments: “On behalf of our members and board, I thank Stefan for his leadership, tireless work and great contributions over the years to GLAFRI and the aluminium foil industry!”
Thanks to his personality characterised during his professional stay with United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Nairobi, Kenya, he was well experienced and successful in teaming different mentalities and cultures for mutual projects cross business sectors and globally. He was part and even often initiator of many essential environment and sustainability findings which are still extensively used in today’s aluminium sector worldwide.